The international PhD “Biological Inorganic Chemistry (BIC)” awards Doctoral Degree in Biological Inorganic Chemistry. The Department of Chemistry of the University of Ioannina undertakes the administration of the program.
The BIC promotes the cooperation in the field of research and education and enhance international exchanges and the establishment of the International Ph.D. Program offered by the University of Ioannina, Greece, the Department of Chemistry entitled “Biological Inorganic Chemistry (BIC)” in the context of the project “Sub-project 6 (“Biological Inorganic Chemistry (BIC)” (MIS 5162213).”
Tutorials will be taught in English
The students living support will be in a similar framework to that Erasmus Program offer to graduate students.
The Department of Chemistry of the University of Ioannina undertakes the administration of the program.
Three Years.
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Chemistry
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Chemistry
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Patras, Department of Chemistry
University of Crete, Department of Chemistry
University of Cyprus, Department of Chemistry
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Department of Chemistry
The management Committee of the International Doctorate Program is called Curriculum Committee (CC) of the Program
The CC members are appointed by the Assemblies of the participating Departments.